Sunday, February 6, 2011

Covergirl Outlast Lipstain

Price: 7.00 $ - 10.00 $

What Covergirl Said:
"Lightweight flush of colour that will stay on all day"

What's the scoop?
My mom bought this stuff a while ago, and I thought it was stupid because a marker that goes on your lips? Stupid right? I was dead wrong!

- Stayed long all day
- Lip colour was vibrant
- Had a sweet taste to it
- Was VERY hard to get off my lips, even with makeup remover
- If not put on properly, you can end up with more than what you wanted
- The lightest colour showed up darker

Do I recommend it?
Yes, if you don't like the heavy-weight feel of regular lipsticks then this stuff is right for you.

All in all

Tip: (To make this lipstain more pretty, apply lipgloss on top of it, it will make your lips shine) :)

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