Sunday, February 6, 2011

L'Oréal Smooth Souffle Foundation

Price: 10.00 $ - 16.00 $

What L'Oréal said:
"Transform your skin’s appearance to velvety soft perfection."

What's the scoop?
Me and my friends, hanging at the mall. When all of a sudden we see a souffle foundation, it looked so interesting and awesome looking we tested it out on our hands and faces. And let me tell you it was just plain.... Not what it's set out to be!

- It stayed on for the longest time!
- You don't have to use a lot to get a full coverage
- Just feels plain awesome!
- Totally didn't soak into my face, it just sat there on my face
- You spend too much money for so little
- Dries your skin out in seconds of putting it on

Do I recommend it?
Err yes and no, provided you have not too dry of a face and no blemishes.

All in all

Tip: (If you really want this foundation then I recommend a ton of moisturizer to be put on your face before using, just so you wont dry your face out!)

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