Sunday, February 6, 2011

Almay Smart Shade Concealer

Price: 9.00 $ - 12.00 $

What Almay said:
"Finally a concealer that takes the guesswork out of finding your perfect shade – instantly adjusting to the colour of your skin."

What's the scoop?
My mom and I share something in common, we both have very, very light skin tones. So I went through her makeup bag to see this smart shade concealer (light). I tried it on, and jeez. It was just terrible!

- It wasn't heavy
- Lasted all day
- I put one speck on and it spread on like it was 10x darker!
- Was super flaky, even on oily skin
- It started out light, then after 5 min. it was orange!

Do I recommend it?
No, you can buy other concealers for a better price, but if your skin tone is dark then this might be better for you.

All in all

Tip: ( You can use this if you have a light skin tone, if you do, wear foundation OVER TOP the concealer, so it will look less or not orange-y.)

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