Monday, February 7, 2011

Lise Watier Quator Eyeshadow Quatuor

Price: 31.00 CND

What Lise Watier said:
"Harmony of four shades of eyeshadow for creating numerous stunning day or night looks."

What's the scoop?
Like I have said tons of times, my mom went on a shopping splurge and she bought mostly Lise Watier stuff, so I thought I'd try it. I tried Les Carbons. It's a more grey-ish toned eyeshadow and man. It just looked awesome.

- Went on so smoothly
- Stayed on as long as I kept it on
- Came off so easily
- Sometimes the shades were too dark
- The powders can get ruined very easily

Do I reccomend it?
For this colour combination in particular is meant for blue eyes, so I recommend it for blue eyes. But if you go to the Lise Watier website they have bunches of combination's just meant for your eye colour.

All in all

Tip: (The shimmering white in this combination works great to put it in the corner of your eye to make it look like it's awake and pretty)

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