Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maybelline The Colossal Volum' Express

Price: $ 4.00 to $ 8.00 CND

What Maybelline said: "Creates 9x the volume in one coat!"

What's the scoop?
I love to shop for any bargain on make up... or just anything in particular! I got this lil' yellow sucker at a Shoppers  for four dollars! And may I say.... it works too! All my lashes well were not  9x the volume but it made them very voluminous!

 - All of my lashes were coated evenly
 - It came off very easily with make-up remover
 - It lasted as long as I did! :)
- When you first put it on, you can't blink or it will smudge
- Sometimes it when on a little too thick

Do I recommend it?
Yes, this mascara is one of my favourites and it will last all day or as long as you want it too, remember I don't have the waterproof one so this one comes off very easily with make-up remover.

All in all

Tip: (Even though this mascara promises lots o' volume, use a eyelash curler if you have shorter lashes) :)

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