Monday, February 7, 2011

Lise Watier Quator Eyeshadow Quatuor

Price: 31.00 CND

What Lise Watier said:
"Harmony of four shades of eyeshadow for creating numerous stunning day or night looks."

What's the scoop?
Like I have said tons of times, my mom went on a shopping splurge and she bought mostly Lise Watier stuff, so I thought I'd try it. I tried Les Carbons. It's a more grey-ish toned eyeshadow and man. It just looked awesome.

- Went on so smoothly
- Stayed on as long as I kept it on
- Came off so easily
- Sometimes the shades were too dark
- The powders can get ruined very easily

Do I reccomend it?
For this colour combination in particular is meant for blue eyes, so I recommend it for blue eyes. But if you go to the Lise Watier website they have bunches of combination's just meant for your eye colour.

All in all

Tip: (The shimmering white in this combination works great to put it in the corner of your eye to make it look like it's awake and pretty)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Almay Smart Shade Concealer

Price: 9.00 $ - 12.00 $

What Almay said:
"Finally a concealer that takes the guesswork out of finding your perfect shade – instantly adjusting to the colour of your skin."

What's the scoop?
My mom and I share something in common, we both have very, very light skin tones. So I went through her makeup bag to see this smart shade concealer (light). I tried it on, and jeez. It was just terrible!

- It wasn't heavy
- Lasted all day
- I put one speck on and it spread on like it was 10x darker!
- Was super flaky, even on oily skin
- It started out light, then after 5 min. it was orange!

Do I recommend it?
No, you can buy other concealers for a better price, but if your skin tone is dark then this might be better for you.

All in all

Tip: ( You can use this if you have a light skin tone, if you do, wear foundation OVER TOP the concealer, so it will look less or not orange-y.)

The Body Shop Flawless Skin Protecting Concealer

Price: 16.50 $ CDN

What the Body Shop said:
"A cream-to-powder concealer enriched with naturally rich African baobab oil to moisturize and care for your skin"

What's the scoop?
Foundation wasn't enough for me, I needed to try something that actually covered my un-wanted breakouts. And I wanted something natural, so I went over to the body shop. They showed me this new concealer that contained sunscreen. I tried it on and it worked like a charm!

- Covered the blemishes and dark circles completely
- You don't have to use a lot to get a lot
- The sunscreen inside of the concealer wasn't greasy at all
- The sunscreen wasn't enough, it still looked flaky after 2 hours of wearing it
- The lipstick shaped tube it was in sometimes broke and the concealer wouldn't come up
- If you like to put a lot of concealer on, this stuff will look caky after lots is put on
- It's quite pricey if you have a tight budget  

Do I recommend it?
Yes, provided your skin isn't too dry.

All in all

Tip: (Put on this concealer before putting on foundation, that way your foundation will cover the concealer making it look more natural.)

Covergirl Outlast Lipstain

Price: 7.00 $ - 10.00 $

What Covergirl Said:
"Lightweight flush of colour that will stay on all day"

What's the scoop?
My mom bought this stuff a while ago, and I thought it was stupid because a marker that goes on your lips? Stupid right? I was dead wrong!

- Stayed long all day
- Lip colour was vibrant
- Had a sweet taste to it
- Was VERY hard to get off my lips, even with makeup remover
- If not put on properly, you can end up with more than what you wanted
- The lightest colour showed up darker

Do I recommend it?
Yes, if you don't like the heavy-weight feel of regular lipsticks then this stuff is right for you.

All in all

Tip: (To make this lipstain more pretty, apply lipgloss on top of it, it will make your lips shine) :)

Conair Infiniti You Curl Hair Curler

Price: 30.00 $ to 35.00 $ (Mine was on sale for about 25.00 $ CDN)

What Conair said:
"Single, sexy curls in one single wrap"

What's the scoop?
I have super curly hair, but I wanted beachy waves, I went to walmart and tried a 1 inch hair curler with a clip and I hated how my thick hair got stuck in the clamp and almost burned my hair badly! So I took that back, and I heard people say they liked this new "no clamp" hair curler so I saw it at london drugs on sale and I was desperate at this point so I bought it, it took one try and my hair was just plain BEAutiful!

- So simple to use
- Heats up so quickly
- Takes only 15 minutes to do your hair (Depending on your hair type)
- There are so many different styles you can do!
-It can really tire out your arms
- It can burn you much easier than ones with a clamp
- Can be awkward to get to hard to reach places on your hair

Do I recommend it?
Yes! If you  want to have sort of Taylor Swift curls.

All in all

Tip: (If you want natural looking curls, after curling wait until your hair is completely cooled and run your fingers through the curls to give them a beachy look. Then spray with hair spray so the curls last all day!) :)

NYC Liquid Eyeliner

Price: 5.00 $ - 7.00 $ (I got mine on sale for 3.00 $ CDN)

What NYC said:
"Deep, strong colour in a fast drying, smudge-proof formula." 

What's the scoop?
I got tired of normal pencil eye-liner so I decided to try something new, I went shopping and there was this NYC liquid eyeliner on sale and without so much as a blink, the next thing I knew was I was at home staring at it, and this time it wasn't a mistake.

- It went on so smoothly
- It was waterproof so it didn't smudge so easily
- It was a rich colour and it stayed on all day!
- It's affordable on a tight budget
- On a hot day the eyeliner will become sort of flaky
- Sometimes it was hard to handle the brush

Do I recommend it?
Yes, if you are comfortable using liquid eyeliner then go ahead, even if you aren't comfortable with it, it just takes practice :).

All in all

Tip: (When using liquid eyeliner use a steady hand & always close your eye while applying, you'll get a better view of what you're doing.)
(Also make sure you're not in a rush when you're applying the eyeliner, this will cause eyeliner to go everywhere unless you're experienced!)

L'Oréal Smooth Souffle Foundation

Price: 10.00 $ - 16.00 $

What L'Oréal said:
"Transform your skin’s appearance to velvety soft perfection."

What's the scoop?
Me and my friends, hanging at the mall. When all of a sudden we see a souffle foundation, it looked so interesting and awesome looking we tested it out on our hands and faces. And let me tell you it was just plain.... Not what it's set out to be!

- It stayed on for the longest time!
- You don't have to use a lot to get a full coverage
- Just feels plain awesome!
- Totally didn't soak into my face, it just sat there on my face
- You spend too much money for so little
- Dries your skin out in seconds of putting it on

Do I recommend it?
Err yes and no, provided you have not too dry of a face and no blemishes.

All in all

Tip: (If you really want this foundation then I recommend a ton of moisturizer to be put on your face before using, just so you wont dry your face out!)

Covergirl TRUblend Micro mineral Foundation

Price: 7.00 $ - 10.00 $

What Covergirl said:
"Easily builds coverage from sheer to full, compared to other mineral foundations"

What's the scoop?
My dermatologist said I should try a mineral foundation instead of a liquid foundation because of my oily skin. So off to the drugstore I go, once I get there I saw nothing, but I remembered covergirl has lots of new stuff, so I saw this foundation and without testing it. I bought it, how dumb of me.

- It had sparkles in it, which reflected light quite nicely
- It lasted quite a while
- The smallest amount put on my face was super caky
- It's terrible for oily skin
- It made a huge mess every time I put the foundation on because the powder spilled every time!
- The brush it came with, the little hairs came out every time I applied the foundation on my face

Do I recommend it?
No, unless you can put on foundation amazingly.

All in all

Tip: (If you're buying mineral foundation make sure it's in an easy to open container so you don't make a mess every time you open it to apply it.)

Covergirl Clean Foundation

Price: 9.00 $ - 10.00 $

What they said:
"Never looks fake or masky"

What's the scoop?
I was shopping with a friend at a mall, and this was my first time buying a foundation. Not knowing what to pick my friend said "Here, buy this stuff I use it". Without so much as a thought I bought it. BIG MISTAKE!

- Didn't look too dark on my skin
- Didn't last for more than an hour
- Even though it said "oil control" my face was oily after 2 hours
- The bottle it came in was awkward to get the actual makeup out

Do I recommend it?
Both yes and no, depends on your skin type.

All in all

Tip: (There are 3 kinds of this foundation: Oil Control, Normal Skin & Sensitive Skin. I only suggest you should buy this foundation if you have dry or normal skin. The Oil control foundation will not work on oily skin types)

(Also all of these foundations come with a pressed powder to go over the foundation, I have not yet tried it, but tell me how it works!)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rimmel MAX Volumeflash Waterproof Mascara

Price: Give or take 9.00 $ but I got mine on sale for about 5.00 $

What's the scoop?
It was after boxing day and I was at london drugs to see what was on sale, and I was looking for a volumizing/waterproof mascara, and there it was. Sitting there all pink and special. I thought why not? I brought it home and it looked AMAZING!

- Really makes eyes stand out
- Volumizes lashes like crazy!
- Since it's waterproof it works and it lasts long

- If you like to put on a lot of mascara this stuff will smudge if you blink hard
- Will not work on short and stubby lashes

Would I recommend it?
Yes, but I suggest it for people who have medium length lashes or long lashes.

All in all

Tip: (Pressing the brush against the edge of the tube wont hurt it, it will curl the brush to make your lashes more beautiful :] )
(Also don't overload the mascara. Even though it's waterproof it will smudge.)

Maybelline Lash Stiletto Mascara

Price: Around 12.00 $

What they said
Will make your lashes long like a stiletto heel

What's the scoop?
I remember my mom buying this stuff over a year ago, then she stopped using it. Me, being curious I tried it and I fell in love! It was really great for me since I had long, but not long enough lashes and this mascara just made my eyes look totally amazing!

- It really lengthens your lashes
- It isn't waterproof, but it doesn't smudge, unless you drench your eyes with water
- Feels lightweight
- It has a bad smell to it
- Creates clumps on your lashes
- Doesn't really coat your lashes enough

Would I recommend it?
Yes, if you have long but not enough defined lashes.

All in all

Tip: (If you have short and stubby lashes this mascara works great on top of a really volumizing mascara to give you length and volume)

Maybelline FIT Powder Foundation

My first blog for a make-up review so here goes!

Price: Around 9- 11 $

What they said

Leaves a flawless finish with no oily or dry skin

What's the scoop?
I got this foundation at a london drugs, and to tell you the truth it seemed too good to be true, so I bought it. I tried it on, because I have VERY oily skin and it worked for 5 minutes then WAMMO! My skin was oily and flaky and just blah. I recommend it to people who have no acne or oily skin.

-It felt not as heavy as liquid foundation.
-Best for people with no acne or dry or oily skin.
-Doesn't last for more than an hour.
-It's very caky, even with the powder puff you're given.
-Even the lightest shade just looks super dark.

Do I recommend It?

All in all